Capacities and
Automated Powder Coating System
5 Stage Automated Washer(Phospathing)
Automated powder Paint both
6 Manual Paint boths for especialized products
118 Foot conveyor oven
3 Gas Batch Ovens
2 Ultra Violet Batch ovens
Capabilities for painting product up to 6 feet tall,
4 feet wide and 21 feet long.
Batch Liquid and Powder Coating
6 liquid and Powder Paint Spray Booths
2 Infrared Ovens (Max. temp of 250F)
3 high capacity Gas Batch Ovens ( Max. Temp of 500F)
2 Sand Blast Cabinets.
Buffing Area
5 Sand Belt Buffing Stations
4 Wheel Buffing Stations (Scotch Brite Wheels-Cotton Wheels-Sandpaper Wheels)
Dedicated assembly area. Depending on the needs of
our clients we apply different disciplines for optimizing
our processes:
• Lean Manufacturing
• Just in time
• Kanban System
• Production Cells